International Medical First Responder Course

2 day intensive course. 

Usually a free course provided Internationally. Some charges may apply in certain circumstances or regions (Room Hire etc). Always free for all in overseas aid missions.  

No previous knowledge required. Must be over age 16 and have good command of English language. Available worldwide to anyone who is involved in emergency medical care in the community. 

Book today: 


The International Medical First responder programme a Prehospital Care & Aid Worldwide project and was set up and designed by all 3 of our UK registered paramedic trustees.

Using their paramedic and clinical education experience of over 10 years each, the course is designed to be taught over 2 days and comprised of 14 lecturers and several aspects of practical, group and individual study. 

It’s aimed at people with limited or no medical training and can be delivered across the globe. Specifically its designed for people taking the role of an emergency responder in their community. 


The content of the course includes: 

  1. Team approach to emergencies. 
  2. Safety aspects to be considered at an emergency
  3. Primary survey skills and the A-E assessment 
  4. Hemorrhage control with the world-recognized STOP THE BLEED COURSE. 
  5. Environmental considerations 
  6. Emergency improvised splinting 
  7. Understanding of Clinical observations 
  8. Emergency Treatment of medical and traumatic emergencies 
  9. Basic Life Support and use of an automated external Defibrillator. 
  10. Optional Snake bite Lecture (Region Dependent) 

The course is developed using recognised UK & US clinical guidelines from organizations like the Resuscitation Council UK, NHS, STOP THE BLEED & St Johns Ambulance. 


Book this course today by emailing 

2 Day First Responder & Stop the Bleed Course (Jennifer- RSI Scotland) 

Completed with Prehospital Care & Aid Worldwide. These guys do fantastic work. Providing training and much needed aid on a international level around the world.