Internal Quality Assurance of assessment processes and practice.

Qualification Suspended. 

This Qualification has been temporarily suspended whilst we focus on our core courses. 

This qualification contains 2 mandatory units with a Total Qualification Time (TQT) of 120 hours. 

Trainee IQAs must complete all assessments in both units successfully within the registration period to achieve the qualification. The maximum period to achieve this qualification, including any referrals is 24 months.

TQT is the total number of hours required for a Trainee IQA to achieve this qualification. It has 2 elements:
• Guided Learning Hours (GLH) is the time a Trainee IQA is being taught and assessed under the immediate guidance of a Trainer/Assessor, which for this qualification is 90 GLH (minimum), and
• The number of hours a Trainee IQA will reasonably be likely to spend in preparation and study as directed by but not under the immediate guidance or supervision of a Trainer, e.g. pre-course reading, which for this
qualification is 30 hours

  • This course retails at £300 per candidate.
  • There are no additional hidden charges. 
  • Discounts are available for repeat customers, charities and large group bookings.
  • Talk to us about booking your course today! 
  • Trainee IQAs must be at least 19 years old on the first day of the training.
    It is recommended Trainee IQAs hold a recognised assessing qualification, such as:
    • D32/D33 Assess Candidates Performance/Assess Candidates Using a Different Range of Methods or
    • A1 Assess Candidate Performance Using a Range of Methods, or
    • Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment or above
  • Trainee IQAs must have access to assessors assessing learners completing vocational qualifications in order to generate the evidence required to complete this qualification.
  • There are no other formal entry requirements but to benefit from the learning we advise that Trainee IQAs have a minimum of Level 2 in literacy.

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This qualification provides the knowledge, skills and understanding for individuals wanting to work in quality assurance, e.g. in Further Education (FE) Colleges, for Training Providers or Local Authorities. Trainee IQAs might include individuals who currently work in a teaching/training and/or assessing capacity wanting to develop their knowledge and skills relating to the internal quality assurance of vocational based qualifications.



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